Exceptional Detached Countryside Residence Campville House Clifton Campville

Exceptional Detached Countryside Residence Campville House Clifton Campville

  • 11th October 2023
Campville House £2,500,000
Nestled within serene Staffordshire countryside is Campville House, an elegant detached countryside residence offering extensive and versatile accommodation, seven bedrooms and a most desirable setting overlooking breathtaking panoramic views. Having been remodelled substantially over time, the exceptional Campville House lies within established and beautifully maintained grounds totalling 3 acres and comprises extensive interiors ideal to suit a growing family also needing space to work from home, or requiring the option for multi-generational living. Occupying a most enviable position beyond a secure gated entrance, this individually designed home extends to around 10,000 ft² and is home to fabulous features including a leisure complex with swimming pool, a most impressive galleried reception hall and landing and a charming wildlife pond within the gardens. The property also received upgrades in recent years to include new windows in 2018 and a new LPG boiler in 2017.

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